Landscaping in February for Fanatics

No, this isn’t a joke. Most homeowners understand that there are always chores to be done in the yard. But, not many except the diehard venture out to actually do them in the cold. Luckily, our winter has been a bit on the warm side, so those who feel compelled to work can do it in a bit of comfort.

The big news is that Punxatawney Phil says winter is on the wane. So, throw on a coat, boots, and gloves; slap on the chapstick and let’s get started.

Deciduous Trees

Winter is the ideal time to prune deciduous trees because the loss of leaves allows you to really see their structure and shape. It’s easier to tell which branches are growing in what direction. This dormant time is also the dormant time for insects and diseases attracted to fresh cut branches.


Hedges, summer blooming shrubs, grapes, and raspberries canes like to be pruned this time of year too. Get rid of all deadwood and suckers. And, if you’re feeling creative, it’s the best time to design topiary shapes.

Trellises & Arbors

If you have trellises and arbors the lack of growth will let you better see if repairs are needed. The lack of foliage also lets you see if your garden would benefit from a trellis.

Wildlife – If you love gardening, I assume you also love those creatures that add charm, song, and life to our outdoor hours. Birds and other small critters need extra nutrition to survive the cold weather. High fat foods are best.

Garage & Shed

Most gardeners are also putterers. Well now’s the time to reorganize pots, take stock of tool needs, declutter, and set yourself up for spring.

Catalog Shopping

Planning and shopping is a great way for garden enthusiasts to pull themselves out from winter lows. Go through those catalogs and reward yourself with some new garden tools and accessories. There are so many new and nifty gadgets to make gardening and landscaping easier.

Follow Augustine on Instagram – We always have images of new arrivals and posts to whet your landscaping appetite and feed your imagination. Find us @augustine.nursery. Remember, we’re your best resource. Hit us up anytime with questions.