red mulberry branch

New Trends in Eco-Friendly Yards

Keeping your yard green at the same time you’re trying to be green can be a challenge. Most homeowners want to have the perfect yard filled with shrubs and trees arranged in an aesthetically pleasing array. Unfortunately, many of the tenets of home landscaping are no longer based on what’s good for the environment.

Obvious culprits include many of the chemicals used to help lawns grow or keep weeds under control. But, other things to take into consideration include the conservation of water and the gas used in our equipment. The good news is that there are eco-friendly ways to create and maintain the yard of your dreams.

Large Trees Save Energy & Reduce your Carbon Footprint

Many people don’t realize that strategically placed large trees can shade your home in summer and protect it from the northern winds of winter. This can significantly lower your energy use.

Trees and shrubs make their own food from carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, water, sunlight, and a small amount of soil elements. In the process, they release oxygen (O2) for us to breathe.

According to the Energy Information Administration, a red mulberry or laurel oak, two trees classified as speedy growers, will sequester an average of 69.5 pounds of carbon per year.

Augustine maintains its own tree farm and can help you choose a tree of the right kind and size for your location.


Did you know that about half of the typical residential water use goes towards landscaping? Cutting back on watering will help conservation. For instance, annuals require more water than perennials. Tall ornamental grasses are also good water-saving plants. And, use mulch generously. It helps retain moisture in your flower and shrub beds.


Lawns not only require watering to stay green during the hottest summer months, they also require mowing – most often by a gas-powered mower.

  • Save water by leaving your grass 3” tall in summer. The ground will retain a bit more moisture. Higher grass also blocks weeds from getting the sunlight they need to thrive.
  • Consider replacing gas equipment with battery-powered lawn and yard equipment.
  • Replace parts of your lawn with ground cover and or a patio.

Augustine Nursery can help you plan and plant a landscape that is beautiful, easy to maintain, and eco-friendly. We’re here to answer all of your landscaping questions.