edible plant pots

Incredible Edibles

Sometimes, there’s no better grocery store than your own backyard. Whether you love to cook with fresh herbs, are a salad lover, or simply love to pop some sunshine fresh berries in your mouth, an edible garden is perfect for you. Edible gardens…
Shrub and pebble-lined path behind house

Smart Landscaping 101

Planning the landscaping of your personal corner of the world not only increases your property’s value but increases the enjoyment and comfort of your own yard. In addition to thinking about how you and your family use your yard (backyard BBQs, swing…
winter berries

Your Landscape Hard at Work in Winter

Many believe their landscaping is asleep in winter, simply waiting for conditions to send plants a signal that spring is at hand. After all, the lawn has stopped growing and all the leaves are gone. The coming of winter does bring about a period of dormancy…
cedar branch

Landscaping Problems That Hurt Home Value

Aside from unkempt and overgrown yards, there are a few other landscaping situations that are a turn-off to potential buyers. So, if you’re considering putting your home on the market, even it that could be a few years down the line, to consider some…
Purple Loosestrife by Image by Dieter Staab from Pixabay

Landscaping That Increases Home Value

Home values in the Hudson Valley are at an all-time high as people leave the city for a greener, safer, and more balanced lifestyle. If you are considering selling your home soon or even five years down the road, remember that the outside of your home…
evergreen trees in tree nursery

For Evergreen

August and September are the perfect months to plant some evergreens. Just think, when the beautiful colors of the fall leaves are gone, evergreens can see you through the winter. They contribute not only their beauty, but practical benefits to our yards. Add…

How Too Much Rain Affects Your Landscaping

Every year has its weather challenges. But in this region, we’re usually dealing with too much heat and drought. With all the rain we’ve been having, we thought we would speak to how our lawns, plantings, and patios are faring. As with many things…
Purple Loosestrife by Image by Dieter Staab from Pixabay

Don’t Let Invasive Plants Wreak Havoc on your Landscape

This past June, New York hosted its New York Invasive Species Awareness Week. If you missed it, here is a better understanding of what invasive species are and why we need to become more aware of them. Invasive plants are plants that are not native to…