Poolside landscape

Plants for Poolside Perfection

Can you think of anything that says ‘backyard escape’ more than a pool? But it’s not the pool alone that makes the ultimate outdoor escape; landscaping plays an important role in transforming the space into the retreat you’ve always dreamed of.  

Poolside plants add lush textures, lovely splashes of color, and needed privacy, creating the ambiance of your own private island getaway. When choosing plants for landscaping your pool, your main considerations should be:

  • Ease of maintenance
  • Safety
  • Privacy
  • Proportion
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Scent

If you’re ready to create a beautiful new space you and your family this summer, here are some inspirational ideas.

Rock Gardens

Rock gardens allow for both beauty and minimal plantings. A garden bed, filled with a few bags of river rocks with a few dramatic plantings can make a strong statement, yet are quiet and an inviting contrast the rest of the yard. 

Ornamental Grasses

To balance out the river rock, ornamental grasses are a perfect choice. They can grow quite large, making an eye-catching and dramatic display. They sway gracefully in the breeze. Some, like lemon grass, even repel insects. They work well both singularly and as a row to form a wall. 


Many pools have structures such as pergolas, trellises, and fences that beg for vines that climb and weave their way around. Many add beautifully colorful flowers and are fast growing, which can help them form a privacy screen. Vines like clematis, honeysuckle, and trumpet vines are perfect in this respect.

Container Gardens

Container gardens can be beautifully arranged and even moved around as you need to. It also provides the perfect opportunity to get creative by mixing and matching plants that grow tall as well as spill over the sides. 


Unlike container gardens, shrubs provide a more permanent solution. Ideal for creating areas of privacy and for delineating the space as a room, shrubs come in many varieties that let you decide on color, texture, height, and shape. Once established, shrubs are easy to maintain, as well. Choose evergreen shrubs that won’t shed their leaves. 

Knowing which plants to use in your pool landscaping isn’t easy without a lot of background knowledge of trees and shrubs. You can always depend on Augustine’s hardscaping staff to share their knowledge to help you create the pool landscape of your dreams. From pointing out which shrubs and plantings are most conducive to designing and installing them in your yard, we are at your service.