
The Beauty of Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are classic. Their appeal is clear – it’s all about the delicate flowers and how they cluster to form big showy globes. Native to southern and eastern Asia, there are about 75 different species. Their colors range from snowball white, purplish blue, to pink and even green. And, one of their most interesting characteristics is that certain hydrangeas can vary their color according to the make-up of the soil in which it’s planted. Soils containing more iron will produce blue hydrangea, while soils with a higher ph will produce pinker flowers. Alter the soil and you can change the color of hydrangeas.

Hydrangeas have much to tout. They are:

  • An affordable addition to your plantings,
  • They make wonderful cut flowers and even dry nicely,
  • They are hardy and resistant to disease,
  • Some varieties bloom from spring to early fall, &
  • They are pretty easy to care for.

Planting time is spring. Choose from varieties such as Elite Shocking Blue, Edgy Hearts, Everlasting Green Cloud, and Little Lime. They do best with morning sun and afternoon shade in soil with good drainage. Fertilize to give it a strong start. Keep them moist, but not wet. They require minimal care, except for pruning. It’s important to know what type of hydrangeas you have because pruning times vary. All hydrangeas though, benefit from the annual removal of dead stems and spent blooms.

Hydrangeas can be used in a variety of ways in your landscape – as a specimen plant, as a border or hedge, as a vine or even in pots. There are so many reasons to love hydrangeas. Stop by Augustine Nursery to add one or two to your yard.